
Dr Andres Baravalle


Lab activities

Activity #1

Open the Moodle site for this module and complete the lab activities for "Images".

Activity #2

  1. Create a new web page incorporating a few paragraphs of text related to Roy Lichtenstein. You can use wikipedia as a starting point, and do not forget to use the cite and blockquote tags appropriately
  2. Set a title
  3. Use a search engine of your choice to retrieve one or more image of Roy Lichtenstein's work - you will use that image in the next activities.

Activity #3

  • Create a web page with the Roy Lichtenstein text and one images on each side of the text
  • Set the margins (15px for top and bottom, 20px for left and right)

Activity #4

  • Create a web page with the Roy Lichtenstein images on the top right corner
  • Add the text below

Activity #5

  • Create a page with the Roy Lichtenstein text in a separate div
  • Center the div; the div shouldn't use more than 75% of the available space
  • Use one of the images as a background fixed image in the top right corner

Activity #6

  • Use Paint or any other basic photo editor to crop your picture into a square
  • Create a circle border around the image; set a blurred border

This work

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