PHP student project

Andrea Capiluppi and myself are looking for a UEL student to be involved in a small web development project.

The project will be linked as an extension to an existing project and has not yet been approved.

This is a consultancy work for an external company through the Knowledge Dock. You will be paid (we have not yet the exact figure) and you are expected to have an adequate level of proficiency in a selection of web development technologies.

A strong theoretical understanding of XHTML and CSS and a good experience in developing web sites is required.

Most of your coding will be in PHP and you will need a good understanding of database technologies (MySQL). You will either have a good understanding of Apache or you have to be prepared to improve your skills.

There is not going to be any significant web design component; we are looking for a coder.

To be considered, you will need to provide:

  • A small portfolio of developed works
  • Evidence of experience in PHP

UEL coursework is acceptable.


08/02/2010: This position has now been filled.

About Andres

Andres Baravalle currently (since September 2018) works at Akamai (UK) as an Engagement Manager. Before he has been working as a Senior Lecturer in the University of East London (2009-2018), as Lecturer in the Open University (2006-2009) and as Research Associate, in the University of Sheffield (2004-2006). He has finished his ph.D. in Computer Science, at Turin University in February 2004. As consultant, he has been working for several firms, in the in the area of web applications development, system administration, security and data analysis.